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8月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 気配り(きくばり)

気配り(きくばり) 気: air,gas. 配: distribute. [Noun・Intransitive verb・Group 3] The action of taking care of someone/something. (In order not to cause trouble or failure.) 細かいところまで気配りをする。Take care of even the details.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 林檎(りんご)

林: Forest. 檎: One kind of bird. 林檎(りんご): Apple. However, the Japanese usually do not write the Kanji of apple because it is an ancient word.  Now they only write the hiragana of apple.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 怪我(けが)

怪我(けが) 怪: Blame. 我: Me. 怪我(けが): Injury.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 麻雀(まあじゃん)

麻雀(まあじゃん) 麻: Hemp. 雀: Sparrow. 麻雀(まあじゃん): Mahjong.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 結構(けっこう)

結構(けっこう) 結: Knot. 構: Structure. 結構(けっこう): Enough./It's enough!/No, I don't need it. I was shocked that someone translated it into "No, thank you." Watch this:  https://www.tiktok.com/@studyin.japanese/video/7091578454956608769 She has made a mistake. In fact, it is ruder to say "結構です." "結構です"≠"no thanks"  Moreover, refusing the first offer makes me feel as if East Asian countries have such a culture, not only Japan. But times have changed. It is difficult for foreigners to experience this.  And generally, only friends will give you food. In this case, I think it doesn't matter whether you refuse or not.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 魔法瓶(まほうびん)

魔法瓶(まほうびん) 魔法: Magic. 瓶: Bottle. 魔法瓶(まほうびん): Thermos. Although it is unknown who first proposed the name "magic bottle," there is no doubt that the word "magic" is because of the function of "heat preservation."

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 大切(たいせつ)

大切(たいせつ) 大: Big. 切: Cut. 大切(たいせつ): Important. Examples: 大切な人。Important person. 大切な想い。Important memories.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 手品(てひん)

手品(てひん) 手: Hand. 品: Goods. 手品(てひん): Magic trick/Conjuring trick/Trick. Example: 手品を演じる。 Play tricks./Perform conjuring tricks. トランプの手品を演じる。Perform card tricks.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 勝手(かって)

勝手(かって) 勝: Victory. 手: Hand. 勝手(かって): Arbitrarily; Do whatever you like and only care about your personal convenience; To be arbitrary. Without allowance/authorization. Example: 勝手にしろ。Do whatever you like. (Without authorization) 彼が勝手に決めたことだ。 He decided without consulting anyone. (Without authorization/allowance) 話が勝手すぎる。You speak too freely (and offend people). やるもやらないも君の勝手だ。It's up to you to do it or not. It also has other meanings, such as "kitchen/situation/livelihood/convenience," but these are not commonly used, and you can hardly see them. And actually, other Japanese words correspond to these meanings, such as "台所・都合・家計・便利." This is an ancient word. Of course, it does have the meaning of selfishness, but its most commonly used meaning is " Do whatever you like and only care about your personal convenience ."

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 見世物(みせもの)

見世物(みせもの) 見: See/Watch. 世: World. 物: Object. 見世物(みせもの): show/make an exhibition of oneself/laughing stock. Example: 見世物小屋 。Freak show. 他人の見世物になる。He has become the laughing stock of others.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 夢中(むちゅう)

夢中(むちゅう) 夢: Dream. 中: In. 夢中(むちゅう): Obsessed/Be absorbed/Addicted to. Example: アニメに夢中になる。Be absorbed in animation. 遊びに夢中だ。Addicted to playing games. 彼女は彼に夢中だ。She is obsessed with him. 恋に夢中になる。Be absorbed in love.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 大晦日(おおみそか)

大晦日(おおみそか) 大: Big. 晦: Obscure. 日: Day 大晦日(おおみそか): New year's Eve.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 愚痴(ぐち)

愚痴(ぐち) 愚: Foolish. 痴: Stupid. 愚痴(ぐち): Complaints. Example: 愚痴をこぼす。Complain.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 女房(にょうぼう)

女: Woman. 房: House. 女房(にょうぼう): Wife. In ancient times, this word referred to high-ranking female officials in the palace. Then it gradually extended the meaning of wife. However, it is better not to use this word in real life because it is not often used. Generally, the other's wife is called "奥様(おくさま)," and "my wife" is called "妻(つま)." The same as: 夫 my husband  ご主人 your husband

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 是非共(ぜひとも)

是非共(ぜひとも) 是: Is. 非: No. 共:  CCP. Together/Joint. 是非共(ぜひとも): By all means. Example: 是非ともきてほしい。I want you to come by all means. 是非ともご出席ください。Please be sure to attend.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 八百屋(やおや)

八百屋(やおや) 八: Eight. 百: Hundred. 屋: House. 八百屋(やおや): Greengrocer. A shop for vegetables and fruits.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 嘘(うそ)

嘘(うそ) 嘘(うそ): Lie. Example: 嘘だ!Lie! 嘘をつくのは良くない。It is not good to tell a lie.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 台所(だいところ)

台所(だいところ) 台: Platform. 所: Place. 台所(だいところ): Kitchen.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 放題(ほうだい)

放題(ほうだい) 放: Release. 題: Question. 放題(ほうだい): Unlimited. Help yourself. For example: 食べ放題。Eat without limit. 飲み放題。Drink without limit. Well, it's like a buffet, but it's different. Usually, in a "食べ放題" in Japan, you sit in your seat and order dishes. It's just a little different from what you eat in a restaurant. After paying a certain amount of money, you sit in a fixed position and order.  No matter how much you order, because you have paid for it before.  This particular approach can minimize waste. 〇〇放題。Do "〇〇" without limit. The word "放題" can be used in any field, such as "音楽放題," "映画放題," etc.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 大袈裟(おおげさ)

大袈裟(おおげさ) 大: Big. 袈裟: Cassock. 大袈裟(おおげさ): Exaggerate. Example: 大袈裟な言葉。Exaggerated words 大袈裟だ。That's an exaggeration.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 無理矢理(むりやり)

無理矢理(むりやり) 無: Nothing. 理: Reason/Logic. 矢: Arrow. 無理矢理(むりやり): Force/Forcibly. Example: 満腹だが無理矢理食べた。Although I was full, I still forced myself to eat it. 無理矢理に薬を飲ませる。Forced to take medicine. 無理矢理誘った。Forced invitation.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 人参(にんじん)

人参(にんじん) 人: Human. 参: Take part in. 人参(にんじん): Ginseng. Carrot.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 我慢(がまん)

我慢(がまん) 我: I. 慢: Slow. 我慢(がまん): Endure. Example: 我慢する。Hold back/Bear/Endure/Restain. これ以上我慢できない。I can't stand it anymore.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 丁寧(ていねい)

丁寧(ていねい) 丁: Man. 寧: Quiet. 丁寧(ていねい): Polite/Careful/Solemnly, respectfully. Example: 丁寧な口をきく。Speak politely. パソコンを丁寧に取り扱う。Handle PC carefully. 丁寧語。Respectful language.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 大根(だいこん)

大根(だいこん) 大: Big. 根: Root. 大根(だいこん): Radish.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 皮肉(ひにく)

皮肉(ひにく) 皮: Skin. 肉: Flesh. 皮肉(ひにく): Irony. Example: 皮肉を言う。Say ironically. 皮肉な言葉 。Ironic words. それは皮肉ですか。 Is it ironic?

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 仲間(なかま)

仲間(なかま) 仲: Second. 間: Between. 仲間(なかま): Fellow. Partner: 相棒. Friend: 友達.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 坊主(ぼうず)

坊主(ぼうず) 坊: workshop. 主: owner. 坊主(ぼうず): Buddhist monk./Bald head. Example: 坊主になる。Be a Buddhist monk. 坊主に刈る。Shaving off all one's hair.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 切手(きって)

切手(きって) 切: Cut. 手: Hand. 切手(きって): Cut your hands. Stamp. Example: 切手をはる。Put stamps on.

Words that can be guessed from Kanji: 一番(いちばん)

一番(いちばん) 一: One. 番: Number. 一番(いちばん): First/Number One/The most. Example: 私の一番大切な人。My most important person. 日本料理で、 一蘭ラーメン が一番好きです。Among Japanese food, my favorite is Ichiran ramen . 日本で一番便利だと感じたのは コインランドリー 。In Japan, the most convenient place for me is the coin laundry .

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 天地無用(てんちむよう)

天地無用(てんちむよう) 天: Sky. 地: Ground. 無: Nothing. 用: Use. 天地無用(てんちむよう):  Heaven and earth are useless. Keep upright.  Don't put it upside down. You often find this word in Japanese packaging boxes, especially for some electrical appliances.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 油断(ゆだん)

油断(ゆだん) 油: Oil. 断: Break. 油断(ゆだん): Carelessness. Example: 油断するな!Don't be careless!

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 一味(いちみ)

一味(いちみ) 一: One. 味: Taste. 一味(いちみ): Gang.  Same kind. The same kind of people, especially (bad people) or accomplices. Example: 強盗の一味が逮捕された。A gang of robbers was arrested. 一味に加わる。Join the gang.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 都合(つごう)

都合(つごう) 都: Capital. 合: Joint. 都合(つごう): Convenience/Situation. Example: その時の都合で。Due to the situation at that time. 都合がよい。Convenient.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 心中(しんじゅう)

心中(しんじゅう) 心: Heart. 中: In. 心中(しんじゅう): Suicide. Refers to the act of two or more people committing suicide together. Most of them appear in traditional Japanese dramas. Example: 無理心中。One forces the other to die in love. 夫婦心中。Husband and wife die in love. 親子心中。Father and son or mother and son commit suicide together.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 丈夫(じょうぶ)

丈夫(じょうぶ) 丈: Length. 夫: Husband. 丈夫(じょうぶ): Strong/Strudy. Example: 彼の体は丈夫だ。His body is strong. このロープは丈夫だ。This rope is strong. この携帯は丈夫で、転んでも壊れない。This mobile phone is so strong that it won't break even if you drop it. (sturdy)

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 手紙(てがみ)

手紙(てがみ) 手: Hand. 紙: Paper. 手紙(てがみ): Letter.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 汽車(きしゃ)

汽車(きしゃ) 汽: Steam. 車: Car. 汽車(きしゃ): Train.

Words that cannot be guessed from Chinese: 娘(むすめ)

娘(むすめ) The answer is B. 娘(むすめ): Daughter. But in Chinese, the single Chinese character "娘" means "mother.  Although there is also a word "姑娘" in Chinese, it must appear in the form of two Chinese characters, and the Chinese word "姑娘" has no meaning of daughter; it just means young girls. Example: 『娘さんを僕にください!』Give me your daughter! (To girlfriend's father)

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 勉強(べんきょう)

勉強(べんきょう) 勉: Encourage. 強: Strong. 勉強(べんきょう): Study; Selling cheap. Example: 勉强しています。 I have been studying. 少し勉强していいですか。 Could you make it cheaper?

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 迷惑(めいわく)

迷惑(めいわく) 迷: Puzzle. 惑: Perplexed. 迷惑(めいわく) : Trouble. Example: ご迷惑おかけました。I'm sorry for you./Sorry for the inconvenience./I'm sorry to have caused you trouble. 他人に迷惑をかけてはいけない。It is not allowed to bring trouble to others.

Words that cannot be guessed from Chinese: 老婆(ろうば)

老婆(ろうば) The answer is C. Well, you can guess what it means literally. But in fact, it means "wife" in Chinese. "老" means old, and "婆" means old woman. 

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 結束(けっそく)

結束(けっそく) 結: Knot. 束: Beam. 結束(けっそく): Unity;Union;Unite. Example: 薪を結束する。Bundle firewood. 結束をかたくする。Strengthen unity. 結束して敵にあたる。Unite against the enemy.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 帝王切開(ていおうせっかい)

帝王切開(ていおうせっかい) 帝王: The emperor. 切開: Cut. 帝王切開(ていおうせっかい): Caesarean; C-section.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)

大丈夫(だいじょうぶ) 大: Big. 丈: Size. 夫: Husband. 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ): No problem./No, thanks./No, I don't need it. Example: A: これ、欲しいの?Do you want this? B: 大丈夫です。No, I don't need it.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 真面目(まじめ)

真面目(まじめ) 真: True. 面: Face; Noodles. 目: Eye. 真面目(まじめ): Earnest; Seriously/Serious Example: 真面目なやつ。A serious guy/fellow. 真面目に考える。Think seriously. 真面目な生活をする。Live a serious life.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 床屋(とこや)

床屋(とこや) 床(ゆか): Floor. 屋(や): House. 床屋(とこや): Barbershop. "It doesn't make sense," you would think, "what's the connection between this and the barber shop?" Well, I can't understand either.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 愛人(あいじん)

愛人 愛: Love. 人: Human. 愛人: Mistress. Maybe you will think, "shouldn't the person I love be my wife? Why is it, my mistress?" In Japanese culture, they may believe that the "mistress" is the person they love.

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 挨拶(あいさつ)

挨拶 挨: Suffer. 拶: Press or squeeze hard. 挨拶: Greeting. Examples of "挨拶": こんにちは!Hello! おはよう御座います!Good morning! こんばんは!Good evening! お疲れ様!(Real meaning: You've been working hard. Well, it's difficult to explain. You can check this URL: https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/how-to-speak-japanese/complete-explanation-what-does-otsukaresama-mean/ )

Words that cannot be guessed from Kanji: 欠伸(あくび)

欠伸 欠: Owe. 伸: Stretch. 欠伸: Yawn. This may come from ancient Chinese: "便有妇人 欠伸 "。 "遥闻深巷中犬吠,便有妇人惊觉 欠伸 ,其夫呓语。" However, there should be a saying of yawning in Japanese for a long time, so it should be the first "あくび," and then find the Chinese characters corresponding to "あくび."