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12月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

通じない's meaning and how to use

通じる to run to; to lead to; to communicate; to understand; to be well-informed こう言えば意味が通じる。That makes sense. 一向に話が通じない。He didn't understand what was said at all. 通じない cannot communicate、not understand 彼には話が通じない。 I can’t get through to him. 「話が通じない」 1.話している意味が理解できないという意味です。 2.こっちが言ってることが相手にわかってもらえないこと。 3.話をしている相手が、自分(わたし)が伝えたい話の内容を理解できなくて、私が怒っているときに使う言葉です。

用度品's meaning

用度品 refers to all goods purchased by institutions (enterprises, government agencies, schools, hospitals), excluding raw materials for production and goods purchased for sales. Generally, it refers to office supplies such as copy paper and stationery and business consumables such as bills. In Family Mart, it refers to disposable chopsticks, spoons, paper towels, straws, and other consumables.