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Guide "to" VS. "on" VS. "for", which is correct?

In general, guides are "to" whatever they describe, whether this is an action or a thing: 

  • A guide to living in Japan
  • A guide to the City of Tokyo
  • A guide to 21st-century Performance art​

However, the form that the guide is published in, whether it is a book, a web page, an article, or anything else, would usually use "on": 

  • An essay on the City of Kanagawa
  • A book on building your own nuclear weapons
  • A web page on 21st-century Performance artists

"For" is used to say who the guide is aimed at, not what it describes: 

  • A guide for juveniles
  • A guide for car owners​ 
  • A guide for Single Moms

I would be a little surprised to see something like "A guide for building your own space rocket," where "for" indicates purpose, and "A guide for seventeenth-century Flemish art" would be wrong.

Yes, the preposition after "guide" must be followed by a specific purpose if you want to use "for," so I still recommend you to use "to" because it applies to most situations.

So I changed my website Name, "Guidebook for Living in Japan," to "Guide to Living in Japan."



根掘り葉掘り's meaning and how to use

根掘り葉掘り(ねほりはほり) 意味: 根掘り葉掘りとは、徹底的に。 しつこく。 一般に 「根掘り葉掘り聞く」 の形で、細かい点までしつこく聞く意味として用いる。 How to use? 根掘り葉掘り+V 根掘り葉掘 り 聞く。 根掘り葉掘 り 尋ねる。

ゴタゴタ's meaning

Meaning trouble ; confusion 複数の物事がまとまりなく存在しているさま、紛糾しているさまなどを意味する表現。 It refers to the appearance of multiple things that do not exist uniformly, the appearance of disputes, etc. Well, the Japanese dictionary says "multiple irregular things"; in fact, this word can describe uneven or chaotic . So this word just wants to show confusion . Example Sentences ごたごたに 巻き込まれるようなことはゆうな。 Don't say anything that might get you into trouble . 息子の部屋はおもちゃで ゴタゴタ してる。  My son's room is cluttered with his toys.  ゴタゴタと 壁にサインが貼られている。  Too many signs are cluttering the wall. 彼女とは ゴタゴタがあって 結局別れた。  It's a long story, but I eventually broke up with her.