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7月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

Guide "to" VS. "on" VS. "for", which is correct?

In general, guides are "to" whatever they describe , whether this is an action or a thing:  A guide to living in Japan A guide to the City of Tokyo A guide to 21st-century Performance art​ However, the form that the guide is published in , whether it is a book, a web page, an article, or anything else, would usually use "on":  An essay on the City of Kanagawa A book on building your own nuclear weapons A web page on 21st-century Performance artists "For" is used to say who the guide is aimed at , not what it describes:  A guide for juveniles A guide for car owners​  A guide for Single Moms I would be a little surprised to see something like "A guide for building your own space rocket," where "for" indicates purpose, and "A guide for seventeenth-century Flemish art" would be wrong. Yes, the preposition after "guide" must be followed by a specific purpose if you want to use "for," so I still recommend you to ...

電波塔さん's meaning and how to read?

電波塔さん dennpatou-sann Similar words for: 「電波女/男」、「電波系」「電波~」 Slang refers to someone who exposes absurd delusions and propositions to his surroundings. In other words, it means a kind of person who often says words others cannot understand. Or Say a lot of embarrassing, fantasy, or strange things. The reaction of others to this kind of person is generally surprise and confusion. Why do you call it that? First, as a human being, you can't see radio waves directly with the naked eye. Even so,  you still want to convey or receive something. Then you who do this behavior are called 「電波~」. Because you are like a radio tower, transmitting signals that human beings cannot understand. What about "電波塔さん "? 電波塔さん in Lycoris Recoill refers to the main character "Chisato."

痛い人's meaning and how to read?

痛い人(いたいひと)itaihito  Simlar words for 「痛い男」, 「痛い女」 . This "pain" does not mean that the man/woman feels pain by himself/herself, but that people who see/touch this man/woman will feel pain. In short, it is a euphemism for "disgusting/physiological resistance."

激安‘s meaning and how to read

激安(げきやす)gekiyasu Super cheap. But this kind of cheapness highlights the surprising cheapness. You can easily see it in Don Quijote. (ドン・キホーテ) The similar word "格安" means that the price is a little cheaper than the general market price. In addition, this word is used when the quality is guaranteed, even if it is sold cheap.

民草‘s meaning and how to read

民草(たみくさ)tamikusa People. This is an ancient word to call people. This word is what ancient monarchs or ministers called people. There is an undeniable upper and lower level performance. Because this word compares people to grass. 民草 の声をきく. Listen to the voice of the people .

禁物‘s meaning and how to read

禁物(きんもつ)kinnmotsu Taboos or things that are forbidden to do or something that should be avoided. It does not refer to objects. Not to mention prohibited items. The prohibited items should be this: 禁制物 (きんせいぶつ) kinnseibutsu Items that are prohibited from being sold or owned by law.

惣菜‘s meaning and how to read

 惣菜(そうざい)souzai Generally called "お惣菜". It means side dish. It generally refers to roast chicken kebabs, fried chicken nuggets, or croquettes in Japanese convenience stores like 711, FamilyMart, or LAWSON, which are the most common. Of course, there are also side dishes in Bento. Such as red ginger, dried radish, dried winter bamboo shoots, or others in tiny quantities.