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しわ寄せ's meaning and how to use



foisting upon; shifting to; shifting (the loss) to someone else


I'm wondering if "shifting (the loss) to someone else"  doesn't mean "bringing the bad effects to someone"?

Influence. Impact. The consequences of the harmful effects of things.

Example Sentences:

子供にはしわ寄せしない。Do not bring a bad influence on children.

低所得者層しわ寄せする。Bring harmful effects on low-income people. (Shift the loss to the low-income people)

そのしわ寄せで残業が増えている。As a result of that bad influence, overtime has increased. (Because someone shifts the loss to us)

Other Sentence:

額にしわを寄せる。Wrinkle the forehead. (The look of pondering over complex problems.)



to get stuck with; to end up with (something unpleasant)

How to use it?

Verb (dictionary)+羽目になる

Example Sentences:

忘れ物して、結局戻る羽目になった。I forgot to bring something, which turned out to be the result of going home to get it.

他に起因する厄介ごとを背負うはめになる。Because of other reasons, it became the result of carrying trouble.



Guide "to" VS. "on" VS. "for", which is correct?

In general, guides are "to" whatever they describe , whether this is an action or a thing:  A guide to living in Japan A guide to the City of Tokyo A guide to 21st-century Performance art​ However, the form that the guide is published in , whether it is a book, a web page, an article, or anything else, would usually use "on":  An essay on the City of Kanagawa A book on building your own nuclear weapons A web page on 21st-century Performance artists "For" is used to say who the guide is aimed at , not what it describes:  A guide for juveniles A guide for car owners​  A guide for Single Moms I would be a little surprised to see something like "A guide for building your own space rocket," where "for" indicates purpose, and "A guide for seventeenth-century Flemish art" would be wrong. Yes, the preposition after "guide" must be followed by a specific purpose if you want to use "for," so I still recommend you to ...

根掘り葉掘り's meaning and how to use

根掘り葉掘り(ねほりはほり) 意味: 根掘り葉掘りとは、徹底的に。 しつこく。 一般に 「根掘り葉掘り聞く」 の形で、細かい点までしつこく聞く意味として用いる。 How to use? 根掘り葉掘り+V 根掘り葉掘 り 聞く。 根掘り葉掘 り 尋ねる。

遣り取り's meaning and how to read?

結論からというと 、「言葉のやり取り」 、すなわち 「会話」 の意で用いられることが多い。 遣り取り(やりとり) Pronunciation: ya ri to ri 1. Exchange things.  見合写真を やり取り する。Exchange blind date photos. 2. Exchange cups.  杯を やり取り する。Exchange cups. 3. Argument, war of words. (Including question answering. Also, and quarreling.) 電話での やり取り 。Arguing on the phone. 激しく やり取り する。Have a great argument. The third meaning of this word is widespread in the news. やり取り giving and taking; exchange (of letters); arguing back and forth; (conversational) exchange  Example sentence: 目の前で繰り広げられる やり取り は、俺が入り込む隙なんて一ミリもない。  The exchange unfolding in front of my eyes had not a single millimeter of a gap for me to slip.