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用度品's meaning

用度品 refers to all goods purchased by institutions (enterprises, government agencies, schools, hospitals), excluding raw materials for production and goods purchased for sales. Generally, it refers to office supplies such as copy paper and stationery and business consumables such as bills.

In Family Mart, it refers to disposable chopsticks, spoons, paper towels, straws, and other consumables.



Guide "to" VS. "on" VS. "for", which is correct?

In general, guides are "to" whatever they describe , whether this is an action or a thing:  A guide to living in Japan A guide to the City of Tokyo A guide to 21st-century Performance art​ However, the form that the guide is published in , whether it is a book, a web page, an article, or anything else, would usually use "on":  An essay on the City of Kanagawa A book on building your own nuclear weapons A web page on 21st-century Performance artists "For" is used to say who the guide is aimed at , not what it describes:  A guide for juveniles A guide for car owners​  A guide for Single Moms I would be a little surprised to see something like "A guide for building your own space rocket," where "for" indicates purpose, and "A guide for seventeenth-century Flemish art" would be wrong. Yes, the preposition after "guide" must be followed by a specific purpose if you want to use "for," so I still recommend you to ...

根掘り葉掘り's meaning and how to use

根掘り葉掘り(ねほりはほり) 意味: 根掘り葉掘りとは、徹底的に。 しつこく。 一般に 「根掘り葉掘り聞く」 の形で、細かい点までしつこく聞く意味として用いる。 How to use? 根掘り葉掘り+V 根掘り葉掘 り 聞く。 根掘り葉掘 り 尋ねる。