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9月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

抜け出す's meaning and how to use

Pronunciation nukedasu ぬけだす Meaning to slip out/to leave secretly; to sneak away; to excel (computer) to break (out of a loop) Example Sentence 「ぬるま湯の暮らしから 抜け出す 。」 Escape from a quiet life. 「後ろから 抜け出す 。」 Slip out from behind. Special expressions Begin to fall off(抜け始める)。 「毛が 抜け出す 。」Hair starts to fall off .

ぬるま湯's meaning and how to use

Pronuciation nurumayu ぬるまゆ Meaning  tepid water; lukewarm water ぬるい湯。ぬるゆ。びおんとう。  刺激や緊張のない境遇や生活。 「 —の暮らしから抜け出す」 A situation or life without excitement or tension. This is a very native Japanese saying. Example Sentence 私はぬるま湯というのは嫌いじゃない。I don't hate plain life. 今の状態は、言わばぬるま湯だろう?The current state can be said to be warm water, right?

ゴタゴタ's meaning

Meaning trouble ; confusion 複数の物事がまとまりなく存在しているさま、紛糾しているさまなどを意味する表現。 It refers to the appearance of multiple things that do not exist uniformly, the appearance of disputes, etc. Well, the Japanese dictionary says "multiple irregular things"; in fact, this word can describe uneven or chaotic . So this word just wants to show confusion . Example Sentences ごたごたに 巻き込まれるようなことはゆうな。 Don't say anything that might get you into trouble . 息子の部屋はおもちゃで ゴタゴタ してる。  My son's room is cluttered with his toys.  ゴタゴタと 壁にサインが貼られている。  Too many signs are cluttering the wall. 彼女とは ゴタゴタがあって 結局別れた。  It's a long story, but I eventually broke up with her.

地獄耳's meaning

地獄耳 Pronunciation jigokumimi じごくみみ Meaning sharp ear; long ears; ability to remember everything one hears 一度聞いたら忘れないこと。The ability to listen once and never forget. 他人の秘密をすばやく聞き込む耳。Ears that can quickly hear the secrets of others. This is a little strange because its literal meaning is the ears of hell . 地獄 means "hell," and 耳 means "ears." But the Japanese usually say that a person with good hearing is 地獄耳. Example Sentences 彼は地獄耳だ。He has sharp ears.

水入らず's meaning

Pronunciation Mizuirazu みずいらず   Meaning (being) by oneself; with no outsiders present 内輪(うちわ)の者だけで、他人がまじっていないこと。 Example Sentences: たまには夫婦 水入らず で旅行に行ってのんびりするのもいいもんだ。  Sometimes it's good for a married couple to travel together— just the two of them .

提携's meaning

Pronunciation ていけい Meaning 協力して事を行うため互いに力を合わせること。タイ アップ。 cooperation; tie-up; joint business; link-up This is often used to describe the cooperation between companies or large organizations. Example Sentences 外国の会社と 提携 する。 Tie up with a foreign company. うちの会社はあの合弁会社と 提携 している。 We are affiliated with the new joint venture company. 技術 提携 。Technical cooperation . 業務 提携 。Business collaboration . 二つの政党は 提携 してその法案をつぶした。 The two parties allied to defeat the bill.

踏まえる's meaning and how to use

踏まえる 読み方: ふまえる  意味: ある事柄を前提として。 あらかじめ考慮に入れて。 To be based on; to have origin in 例文 事実を 踏まえて 。 Based on facts. これは最新の学説を 踏まえた 社会史である。This is a social history based on the latest theory. 道理を 踏まえた 言葉。Words based on reason. 注意すべきこと Well, it does mean "Step on""stamp", but if you want to express "Stamp", it is more natural to use "踏む". 「踏む」と「踏まえて」の違い  動詞の「踏む」を「〇〇を踏んで」というように使用する場合 (例: ステップを踏んで)は、「順を追って」という意味で使われますが、 接続詞の「踏まえて」は、「ある事項を考慮して」という意味で用いられます。

還元's meaning and what you have to pay attention to

還元 読み方: かんげん 意味: 1. 物事をもとの形・性質・状態などに戻すこと。 Restore something to its original shape, nature, state, etc. 2. 酸素の化合物から酸素を奪うこと。または、ある物質が水素と化合すること。一般的には、原子または原子団に電子を与えること。→酸化 Take oxygen from its compounds. Or a substance may be hydrogenated. In general, electrons are supplied to atoms or atomic clusters. → Oxidation resolution; reduction; return to origins ゲイツ会長、 広告収入 をユーザーに 還元する 意向表明。  Bill Gates announces his intent to return advertising revenue to the users. 消費者に 利益 を 還元する 。 Return benefits to consumers 注意すべきこと It cannot be regarded as return money . This word means to restore something to its original state .  The advertising fee in the example sentence is originally earned from users. So the action of giving money to the user refers to "restoring the original state" or "returning the things originally belonging to someone. " This action is called " 還元 ." But this word is often used with money and gradually feels like giving money. But you need to reme...

あおり運転's meaning

 road rage 〔自動車運転者が渋滞に巻き込まれたり、他の車に割り込まれたり、追い越されたり、クラクションを鳴らされたりして激怒すること。 または、暴力的な報復をすること。〕 It refers to an automobile driver's anger caused by traffic jams, being crowded by other vehicles, and overtaking or honking his horn. Or violent retaliation. 〔いきなり車間距離を詰めて威圧したり、意味もなく急停車やクラクションを鳴らして他人に迷惑をかけることです。〕 Sudden shortening of the distance between cars to intimidate others, meaningless emergency stop, and honking to cause trouble to others. 前を走っている車に 嫌がらせをする 危険な運転のことです。 It refers to dangerous driving that disturbs the driving car ahead. (It's not just the cars in front.)

しわ寄せ's meaning and how to use

しわ寄せ Meaning foisting upon; shifting to; shifting (the loss) to someone else ある事柄により生じた失敗・矛盾・不利益などが 当事者でない別の者へ及ぶこと 、他に起因する厄介ごとを背負う はめになること 、という意味で用いられる言い回し。 I'm wondering if " shifting (the loss) to someone else "   doesn't mean " bringing the bad effects to someone "? Influence. Impact. The consequences of the harmful effects of things. Example Sentences: 子供には しわ寄せしない 。Do not bring a bad influence on children. 低所得者層 に しわ寄せする 。Bring harmful effects on low-income people. (Shift the loss to the low-income people) その しわ寄せ で残業が増えている。As a result of that bad influence, overtime has increased. (Because someone shifts the loss to us) Other Sentence: 額にしわを寄せる。Wrinkle the forehead. (The look of pondering over complex problems.) はめになること( 羽目になる ) Meaning  to get stuck with; to end up with (something unpleasant) How to use it? Verb (dictionary)+羽目になる Example Sentences: 忘れ物して、結局戻る羽目になった。I forgot to bring something, which turned out to be the result of going home to get it...

Meaning and origin of 子返し and 間引き

子返し 読み方:こがえし。 意味: Return child. 間引き 読み方:まびき。 意味: (1)thinning out; pruning; culling; (例)ダイコンの 間引き をする。 (2)〔間をあける〕Lengthen the interval. (例)電車の 間引き 運転。 (3)infanticide 「子返し」 is a saying in the Edo period, that is, returning children , including parents killing children , abortions, and so on. Now it is more called 「間引き」.  Return means returning to the gods. At that time, people thought that all children under the age of seven were children of God and could be returned to God at any time.  Nowadays, 「水子(みずこ)」is often used to refer to abortion or aborted children.

玉の輿's meaning and pronunciation

玉の輿  読み方:たまのこし  意味:  1. palanquin set with jewels  2. money and the social status gained by marrying a rich and powerful man  →Related words: 玉の輿に乗る  This word often appears, not only in animation or TV series, and is used very frequently. I highly recommend that you remember this word, and I have marked it as an S-rank word.  In ancient Japan, when a woman from a poor family married into a wealthy family, she would usually sit in a luxurious sedan chair. Therefore, from ancient times, sitting in this sedan chair has been regarded as a metaphor for marrying into a wealthy family.

How do you describe blind people and dumb people in Japanese?

There really seems to be no direct word for blind and dumb people. Because the Japanese think it would be impolite to call disabled people this way. We call the blind "目の不自由な人(目が見えない人)" and call "口がきけない人(しゃべれない人)" the dumb. The dumb: ✕「唖 」(おし) 〇「発話障害」(はつわしょうがい)  ✓「口がきけない人」 The blind: ✕「盲人」(もうじん) 〇「視覚障害者」(しかくしょうがいしゃ)  ✓「目の不自由な人」 The deaf: ✕「聾」(つんぼ)  ✓「耳の不自由な人」 Japan usually uses organ + " の 不自由 " to indicate that this organ is not functioning correctly. They don't use the word " 障害 " very much, although it is correct.